"Hands Free" Multilijn Touw
"Hands Free" Multilijn Touw
Production time
Production time
5-7 werkdagen
Color chart
Color chart
Available in many colours, find our colour overview here
De "Hands free" lijn is op 5 manieren te gebruiken. Gemaakt van 18mm breed touw
Verkrijgbaar in 2 lengtes;
2,30 meter in totaal, de lijn met handvat is hierbij ongeveer 2 meter3,30 meter in totaal, de lijn met handvat is hierbij ongeveer 3 meter
Shoulder line
This strong and robust leash is equipped with an extra ring that you can slide. In an instant you can adjust the leash and wear it over your shoulder. This ensures that you have your hands free while you walk the dog and gives you more freedom during training and walking.
Hip line
In addition to a shoulder line, you can also wear the line around the hip. Shorten the loop by sliding the ring and you can, for example, run with the dog next to you.
Regular dog leash - adjustable
At the end of the hands free line is a sturdy ring, click the end of the line to this and you have a long dog line with handle to give the dog more space during the walk. When the dog needs to stay closer, the line can be shortened by means of an extra ring.
Double line
With two clips on 1 leash, you can also use this dog leash to click onto a harness and collar at the same time, for example.
Construction of line
Unclip the handle and wrap it around a post or chair leg so that the dog is secured while you enjoy your drink on a terrace.